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Currently reading

The Book of the Dead: The Hieroglyphic Transcript and Translation into English of the Ancient Egyptian Papyrus of Ani
E.A. Wallis Budge
Tao Te Ching: A New English Version
Stephen Mitchell, Laozi

Eugene Onegin & Four Tales from Russia's Souther Frontier: A Prisoner in the Caucasus; The Fountain of Bahchisaray; Gypsies; Poltava

Eugene Onegin & Four Tales from Russia's Souther Frontier: A Prisoner in the Caucasus; The Fountain of Bahchisaray; Gypsies; Poltava - Alexander Pushkin I was not at all impressed by this book. Could not wait to be finished with it and begin something a little bit more interseting. Most of the stories were fine, but there were a few extremenly boring ones. I've been hearing for a long time about how a great author Pushkin is, and so I decided to read something for him, but I don't think I'll be reading any of his other books...
For me, 'Eugene Onegin' and 'Gypsies' were the best of the five stories. I'd give 3 stars for each...